Monday, January 30, 2012

Fun weekend and start of rotations!

This past Friday, my roommate and I went out to this restaurant in Williamsburg for dinner. It was an oyster bar and was very old fashioned and very quaint. The drinks were very interesting and the oyster list was very long (see below)...lots of options. I got a champagne julep (see pictures) and my roommate had a beer that was served in a mason jar. We ended up getting a few oysters which were very good-a lot saltier than the Gulf oysters-and then I got Jonah crab and my roommate got Black Bass ceviche. The meal was really good, somewhere I'd definitely go back to and would love to bring any of you if you are interested!!

On Saturday I spent the day out in Manhattan. Sadly, my roommate was sick and couldn't join me but I decided to still venture on my own. I started by heading up to Central Park and walked around there for a while. It was a pretty nice day out so there were lots of people out exercising, walking around, and walking their pets. I walked over to an obelisk there that was called Cleopatra's Needle and was built in Egypt than brought over sometime much later. There was a plaque that described its history but the picture of it didn't turn out very well. Next, I took a train down to Times Square and walked to Amy's Bread where I had a delicious vanilla cupcake with pink buttercream had the perfect ratio of frosting to icing and was very moist!!

Lastly, I went down to Little Italy and Chinatown. I ended up getting two pashmina's for myself in Chinatown and a scarf for my mom. I was going to do some more shooping/peeking around in stores in Chinatown but it was really busy down there as they were having a parade to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Today I started my family medicine rotation which is 6 weeks long. Today was just orientation stuff and I begin the actual rotation tomorrow. The hours are pretty light. For the first 4 weeks I am doing outpatient work and am only working short shifts. This week I work from 1PM-5PM, next week I work 5PM-9PM, the following week I work 1PM-6PM, and the fourth week I work 8AM-1PM. The final two weeks I am working on inpatient services and will be working 7AM-5PM as well as one day on the weekend. Every Wednesday is lecture day and we have two separate at 9AM and another in the afternoon from 2-5. Hopefully this will be a good rotation and I will be able to learn some interesting things and learn how to do some simple procedures.

Thats all for now...will keep you updated about my rotation!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Not much new here...still haven't started rotations yet so I'm still just hanging around exploring my neighborhood. Last night and today it finally snowed here!! We got maybe 2 inches or so with a layer of sleet on top. Enjoy these pictures...the first couple are from at the apartment and the last few were taken at Prospect Park-a large park about 5 blocks east of the apartment.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Apartment Pictures!!

So today, my roommate and I went to Target and Ikea to get some organizational and decorating stuff for our apartment. I put together the furniture I got today and was finally able to completely unpack and organize my room. Below are pictures of my apartment...please excuse the mess in the living area...we still haven't gotten everything situated for that area so things are kind of everywhere!!

This is a picture from the living room looking into my bedroom

This is a picture of my dresser which is to the right after walking in my bedroom door

This is my closet...decent size...fits everything I need in it

This is on the left side of my the cube thing at Target and put the bins in it to but all my random stuff in

This is my bedside tower thing...on it is my new lamp from Ikea and my iPod docking station I got from my brother for Christmas, among other random things

This is a close up of the cube thing from Target

This is our entry area...pardon the boxes, waiting for garbage day to take them out

View from the entry area


Kitchen again

Living room's kind of small but there is a lot of storage over the toilet and behind the mirror over the sink which helps make up for the size

Also, if anyone wants my mailing address for any reason either ask my mom or email me and I will send it to you...I feel its probably not the best idea to post that info on the internet for all to see!!
Love you all!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So, I've been in NYC for a few days now and am absolutely loving it!! Since I don't start my rotations until the end of the month, I have plenty of time on my hands to do whatever I please. Today, I wandered around the neighborhood a little and went to a cupcake shop nearby. I got a vanilla cake cupcake with chocolate salted caramel frosting. Overall, the cupcake was pretty good though the cake part was a little dry. The icing was delicious though, so that made up for it a little. I took a few pictures, one of the cupcake and one of their sign...

My room is still a mess but hopefully I will get the rest of it organized soon at least getting it to a state where I can take pictures and post them here along with pictures of the rest of my apartment so you can all see what my apartment looks like.