So, on Monday, I took my first test in med school and overall I did pretty well. The only trouble I had was in histology so I need to work super hard to bring up that grade. We had a lab practical in histology that I did well in so that helped and hopefully I will understand this new stuff better than the previous material and can therefore do much better on the second mini that is in three weeks. This weekend will be mostly spent studying anatomy so I can do well on the practical we have on Tuesday.
In other news, yesterday was a very interesting day. I woke up and went outside to walk to class and there was a layer of dust over everything at my apartment complex. I thought it may have been from construction or wind or something but then I noticed it everywhere I went. Turns out that a volcano on the island of Montserrat had a partial collapse of its dome and ash was sent 9 miles into the air. Everything here is covered in a layer of ash and yesterday was a very gray, hazy day. Today, the sun is out and its a gorgeous day though there still seems to be some ash falling.
The waves today are pretty big and it makes for a nice backdrop while studying. Sorry, I don't have any pictures to post today as I don't have my camera on me but I will try to post some tomorrow.
Love and miss you all!