Saturday, February 27, 2010


Another week has is crazy how fast this semester is going by; I have my next big test a week from Monday and go back to the states for vacation in like 7 weeks! I am studying on the deck on campus that overlooks the ocean again and am just trying to make sure I don't fall behind in anything. Nothing exciting has happened around here really so there is not much to add..

I added new pictures to my Picasa site and will put a few here as well. The other day there were around 2 dozen sailboats in the bay where I live for some reason so I decided to take some pictures of them at sunset.

Love and miss everyone!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

More cows

Hello everyone!

Sorry it has been a while, I have been busy studying and haven't had much time to write plus the internet at my apartment has been having some issues lately that were supposed to get fixed a few days ago... We are currently learning about embryology in one of my classes and there are a lot of details that go along with it so I have spending a lot of time studying that stuff.

So I wasn't planning on coming home during my first break but have since changed my mind and have booked myself a flight and will be back April 22-May 7 and I am so excited!!

Not much else to say but I did add some new pictures to my Picasa album (click on the link below) and will post a few here of the cows outside my apartment the other day including a little baby one!

Enjoy and I love and miss you all!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Test scores and Volcanoes...

So, on Monday, I took my first test in med school and overall I did pretty well. The only trouble I had was in histology so I need to work super hard to bring up that grade. We had a lab practical in histology that I did well in so that helped and hopefully I will understand this new stuff better than the previous material and can therefore do much better on the second mini that is in three weeks. This weekend will be mostly spent studying anatomy so I can do well on the practical we have on Tuesday.

In other news, yesterday was a very interesting day. I woke up and went outside to walk to class and there was a layer of dust over everything at my apartment complex. I thought it may have been from construction or wind or something but then I noticed it everywhere I went. Turns out that a volcano on the island of Montserrat had a partial collapse of its dome and ash was sent 9 miles into the air. Everything here is covered in a layer of ash and yesterday was a very gray, hazy day. Today, the sun is out and its a gorgeous day though there still seems to be some ash falling.

The waves today are pretty big and it makes for a nice backdrop while studying. Sorry, I don't have any pictures to post today as I don't have my camera on me but I will try to post some tomorrow.

Love and miss you all!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hello all!

It is the weekend before the mini so I have been and will be doing a lot of studying until Monday. I am not too freaked out about the test yet though which is a little scary! Lol. I think it is because I am very sure of the things I do know and the things I still need a little reinforcement on so I am just studying my weak areas and hoping I can get them down before Monday!

For those of you that do not have my mailing address and want to send me things ;) , here it is:

Jessica Quade
Ross University School of Medicine
P.O. Box 266
Commonwealth of Dominica
West Indies

Enjoy the pictures below! The first is the view from my study spot and the other is the mango tree that is right by where I study with unripe mangoes on it.

Love and miss you all!!! Wish me luck for Monday!!!
