Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hello all!

It is the weekend before the mini so I have been and will be doing a lot of studying until Monday. I am not too freaked out about the test yet though which is a little scary! Lol. I think it is because I am very sure of the things I do know and the things I still need a little reinforcement on so I am just studying my weak areas and hoping I can get them down before Monday!

For those of you that do not have my mailing address and want to send me things ;) , here it is:

Jessica Quade
Ross University School of Medicine
P.O. Box 266
Commonwealth of Dominica
West Indies

Enjoy the pictures below! The first is the view from my study spot and the other is the mango tree that is right by where I study with unripe mangoes on it.

Love and miss you all!!! Wish me luck for Monday!!!


1 comment:

  1. Just caught up with all your blogging! Loved the pictures. Im sure you will do awesome on your test Monday and you should continue to document the development of those strange mangos :) From tree to plate...Loved all the sunsets too. Looking forward to more. Love and miss you, girl. Alayna
