Saturday, March 20, 2010

Another Week

It's Saturday again...crazy how fast time seems to fly here! On Monday, we start week 11 of classes. I have been here for almost 3 months and I truly cannot believe it. TIme really goes by ridiculously fast here which makes being away from home a little easier as it hardly seems like I have really been gone for that amount of time. Hopefully the rest of my semesters on the island go by as fast so I can be back in the states for good!
I am currently studying in a building called the barn which is right next to where I live and trying not to freeze to death in here. You would never believe you were on a tropical island being in here, I literally have jeans and a sweatshirt on and am completely frozen! I may have to invest in a Snuggie when I am home to bring down here! Haha
I went out with some friends last night after we were done doing some studying in the anatomy lab and had the other local Caribbean beer that they have on the island called Carib. For someone who doesn't drink beer, it was decent and only cost 7EC which is a little more than $2.50US...can't beat that.

Thats all for now...Love and miss you all!!! Enjoy this picture taken about a month or so ago of the waves...


  1. It is hard to believe that you have been gone for 3 months!!!!

  2. Hi Jess: I sure enjoy reading your updates. Glad to hear that time is going by fast. Your pictures are so awsome! Take care and love you lots. Aunt Colleen
